Thirty Years After the FMLA, Lawmakers Must Guarantee Paid Leave for People Facing Violence

If you are being watched, leave now!


February 3, 2023

Jennifer Becker, Legal Momentum's Legal Director, and Kiersten Stewart, Futures Without Violence's Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, published an Op-Ed in Ms. Magazine recognizing the 30th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) by stressing the importance of going further and having all states, as well as the federal government, expand upon paid leave, including providing safe leave for all workers.


"Losing a job and the income it brings can make it impossible for people subjected to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking to extricate themselves from the abuse. Safe leave helps workers keep the jobs they want and need. It prevents abusers from making them more economically dependent by causing them to lose their jobs. That’s why it’s so important to ensure paid safe leave, anti-discrimination protections and reasonable accommodations in the workplace for people facing violence."
